July 28, 2011

Day 8: Sangria & P90x: All Fun And Games Until Somebody Throws Up

I'm just kidding. I didn't throw up, but I did have some delicious sangria right before I worked out, which turned out to be pretty interesting to me. Interesting because when I got home last night, old me would have said, "Katy, its almost 10 pm. You've been drinking. So just relax and watch some Friday Night Lights." But new me had no choice but to say, "Boza, its almost 10 pm. You've been drinking. And its day 8. Guess you're working out tipsy tonight." And that's exactly what I did. Aaaaaand...it was actually kind of fun. Who knew.


  1. Ramboza, you're an animal! Way to keep the enthusiasm alive!

  2. You got the eye of the tiger Ramboza! And soon you'll have the abs of Scary Spice! (also you posted at 5:13 a.m.? Yeesh!)
