August 16, 2011

Day 24-27: Not With a Bang, But a Whimper

So my last week of phase 1 started off so well! So well. And then three days in, I got sick- just totally knocked out with a cold.

The first day of being sick, I toughed it up and worked out. And then the next day when I was feeling much worse and thought, "There is no way I can work out," MIRACULOUSLY I remembered that since it was week 4 (when all the workouts change since its "Restoration Week") that that day was an extra rest day. SoIdidn'thavetoworkout! It was awesome and as my good friend Dave put it, A Christmas P90x miracle!

Then on the third day of being sick, I just couldn't do it. Just no. So I decided I would simply switch my upcoming day off with that one, so by the end of the week it would all equal out. But by the fourth day (yesterday) I again was just too sick to suck it up and do it, so I just said to myself, "You know what, Ramboza? You 'did your best, now forget the rest.' Its called Restoration Week for a reason, so how about gettin' some restoring done." And that's exactly what I did...which brings me to today, my last day of Phase 1. Usually its my day off, but I did in fact work out to make up for one of my sick days. SO TAKE THAT, COLD!

Weekly Update Video will be up tomorrow night!

1 comment:

  1. My favorite so far is week two, that one's really funny with the fast movements and grunts for everyday actions!
